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Alfix industrial looking floors in social housing associations

Alfix industrial looking floors in social housing associations

In Denmark’s many social housing associations, Alfix design or industrial-looking flooring system may turn a popular choice in terms of practical and wear resistant floorings.

In this housing association in Aalborg, the Alfix system used pleases both the property manager as well as the residents.

The system contains of 3 layers in all: Initially, a slurry contact coat of Alfix PlaneMix 50 levelling compound and PlaneMix Primer. Followed by a levelling layer of PlaneMix 50 and finally, the application of Alfix TopCoat Design, which will close the surface with a matt, transparent and protective finish.

The owner really appreciates the result when interviewed a year after completion of the new flooring.
The basement floor is much easier to vacuum and clean compared to the previous rough and porous concrete floor.

The property management has thus been saved for many hours of extra work. And added to this, the Alfix industrial flooring appears friendlier and brighter – a considerable lift in terms of function and design to the daily delight of the many users of the basement facilities.

North Jutland: Corona year with Alfix lectures on Teams

North Jutland: Corona year with Alfix lectures on Teams

Lars Brix is the sales consultant for Alfix in Mid- and North Jutland where he has serviced merchants and craftsmen at building sites for more than two decades.

We have asked the experienced Alfix employee (skilled bricklayer and tile fixer) about his working life during the corona pandemic:

How would you briefly describe the last year in terms of work?
When corona hit the country in March last year, everybody in the building trade got extremely busy. We got many calls from our builders' merchant customers as many of their customers were sent home, and luckily many of the home send chose to renovate and refurbish their homes, which gave us a lot of work. The retailers introduced several understandable restrictions, and these restrictions prevented us from visiting them – they focused on their own customers. And hence, work routines changed for us suppliers. We visited and still visit building sites as often as possible and requested, just as we are at disposal when projects should be facilitated or commenced.

Which part of your job has been the most difficult?
Definitely that it has been impossible to visit our many good customers and thereby uphold daily talks and maintain relations. I miss the close and regular contact with the customers.

Which part would you describe as being positive?
That many tasks can be solved by phone or pc. Teams meetings will become a natural part of work life, I think. Much can be discussed and decided effectively during a couple of on-line hours and so eliminate the need for internal meetings involving a long drive to the company premises in Kolding.

Could you suggest any corona-conditioned changes that you would like to uphold when work life hopefully turn more normal at some future time?
Definitely Teams meetings. I have been teaching vocational schools over Teams and in spite of my limited IT-means, on-line lecturing has been a success beyond expectation. But I would, nevertheless, prefer to meet with customers and craftsmen face-to-face as soon as possible. Physical appearance adds a dynamic dimension.

What do you look forward to with a view to the trade and your work for Alfix?
Denmark re-opening! I look forward to the returning of daily life so that I may again visit customers – see my many colleagues – and uphold and expand the contact to our builders' merchants and craftsmen.

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